Title: Adour-Garonne Water Agency Web site 
Resource Type: web links 
Availability: Adour-Garonne Water Agency web site may be seen at: http://www.eau-adour-garonne.fr/ 
Producers or distributor Adour-Garonne Water Agency 
Author / Producer Type: Non-governmental organisations 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Short description: The Adour-Garonne Water Agency is one of the 6th Catchment Area Agency in France. 
Long description: The 6th catchment Area Agencies are involved with: 1.Common interest actions: - protection and improvement of the water resources; - fight against pollution; - media knoledge. 2.Creation and collection of taxes for water harnessing and media quality detrioration 3.Grant or advance distribution to local collectivity, industry, or farmers for common interest work. 4. Information diffusion towards public 
Submitted By: Jean François Brunet WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 18/04/2005

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