EUGRIS Registration and "Who Does What Directory" Form
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Please note: It is not permitted to make registrations on behalf of some-one else, or to amend their details.
EUGRIS requires you to register before submitting information or making use of some of its functions such as the directory and "what's new" since you last logged on. Each time you use these features in the future you will need to log on. When you register or log on to EUGRIS you agree to be bound by EUGRIS
terms and conditions.
We will ask you for personal contact information during the registration procedure. We will treat this information with care. We ask you to read our privacy policy
within our terms and conditions for further information on how we handle personal information. It will also list your submissions to the EUGRIS web site. We estimate that the registration process should take you less than four minutes to complete. You will then be able to edit your registration details at any time simply by returning to this page when you log on to the EUGRIS web site.
Why do we ask users to register before submitting information?
Salutation e.g. Mrs
First Name*
Last Name*
Job Title e.g. Director
Postal Code*
| Other
Country Tel Code*
City Tel Code*
Work Tel Number*
City Fax Code
Fax Number
Email Address*
Confirm Email*
Would you like to be updated on EUGRIS developments?
Web Site
Can we make use of this link on the EUGRIS web site?
Contact / organisation type*(Please enter the type that best describes you. You may add one subsidiary type if you wish)
Do you object to EUGRIS disclosing your information to other carefully
selected third parties such as European Networks or to the European Community?
Registration will also include you in the "Who Does What" Directory of EUGRIS. Your personal entry in this directory will contain the following contact information:
Web site
Your entry can be customised by you to include information about your background,
expertise and interests
Please provide a short description of your self (max 2000 characters).
Web links will be automatically made active if they start with http://
You may use html in your posting, e.g. Bold for subheadings.
Please indicate the "Who Does What Directory" interest catagory(s) where you would like to be listed.
Multiple selections are allowed (use ctl click), max number of interests is 10.
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How did you hear about EUGRIS?
By clicking 'Proceed >> you agree to the EUGRIS (and to the supplier
projects) terms and conditions,
including the EUGRIS (and the supplier projects)
the EUGRIS privacy policy for
your current and future use of the web site. This relates both to us providing to you information that
you request and the submission and use of information you provide to
EUGRIS and to the supplier projects
The EUGRIS supplier projects are currently
Why do we ask users to register before submitting information?
EUGRIS is an open web site, so you can submit a wide range of information to it to exchange with others (subject to terms and conditions). However, we do not post anonymous information. We want users to know who posted information, and what that person's interests and background are. Hence the need for web directory entries linked to postings. We also need to ensure that postings are traceable by ourselves in case of dispute and for other technical, quality and legal reasons. We may also carry out random spot checks, when we may telephone users to confirm their identities.
The web directory entry can be customised. It is important that you pay attention to the sections where you are able to describe yourself and your interests. The information required does not take long to enter, and it allows users to check the provenance and credentials of information that they might be interested in. Obviously if you are able to submit a detailed and strong CV, users will have more confidence in the information that you post.
As it grows, the EUGRIS web directory of "Who does what" Directory e is an opportunity for experts in the field to post information about themselves and their interests to foster European collaboration, for users to find partners and to promote themselves.
EUGRIS applies a strict privacy policy to the information you post
Tick here to confirm that you accept the EUGRIS terms and conditions: