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United Kingdom
Organisation:  exSite
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Weblink: http://www.exsite.org
Organisation's email address:
NOTE: This must not be a personal email address(i.e. mentioning a person's name)
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Non-governmental organisations
Contaminated land-->funding
Organisation Outline:
exSite has been established to fund the field scale demonstration of sustainable solutions to reinforce the UK's determination to bring Brownfield sites 
back into use. The programme is open to anyone offering innovative ideas, approaches or processes and wishing to apply them in the field.  exSite has sites, equipment,
manpower and management. It represents an integrated and complete demonstration opportunity for high quality applied innovation. exSite provides opportunities for demonstrating innovative Brownfield site regeneration approaches, processes and technologies. The programme welcomes
proposals that offer potential alternatives to established practices. Such alternatives will be focused on the promotion of any or all of the following objectives:
Reducing landfill disposal volumes and natural aggregate consumption and increasing the sustainable reclamation of land. exSite helps successful proposers to demonstrate innovation by offering: Sites; Financial assistance; Partners with expertise, plant and labour resources to carry out site activities. exSite will fund acceptable projects either: As a sole funder where projects are focussed exclusively on exSite’s objectives; As a joint-funder where exSite's
objectives are matched to other sources of funds; As a co-funder where exSite’s input is a component of a synergistic, large project.


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