Funding Organisation: Naturvårdsverket (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency ) ---
Contact: Kerstin Jansbo -
Naturvårdsverket / Forskningssekretariatet -
Blekholmsterrassen 36 -
SE-106 48 Stockholm -
Tel: +46 8-698 1456 -
mail: kerstin.jansbo@naturvardsverket.se -
Country of origin: Sweden
What type of research is funded? Demonstration
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)?
Programme Driven
Total budget: 5 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme: %
Programme start year: 2004
Duration of programme: 5 years
Programme open for funding of international participation: Yes
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects: Yes
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview Contaminated land-->funding
Contaminated land, Contaminated land overview Contaminated land, funding Contaminated land, Remediation options, Remediation options overview
Long Description:
’Sustainable Remediation’ is part of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s aim to reach the Environmental Quality Objective: A Non-Toxic Environment.
‘Sustainable Remediation’ is a program financing projects with the aim to increase knowledge regarding the management of polluted areas. The programme focusses on user needs, mostly collecting and syntesizing knowledge.
A number of areas have been pointed out to be important due to their significant lack of knowledge. These includes: investigation methods, risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, remediation methods as well as environmental and social aspects.
Call and reporting are in Swedish.
Annual budget is 10 Million Swedish kr = 1.1 Million Euro.
WEB Link:
Projects Supported by this Programme:
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Submitted by:
Maike Hauschild
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