Title: Optimalisatie van de proefsanering op het DAF-terrein bij gebouw E55 in 2003 in combinatie met de ontwikkeling van een biologisch bodemsaneringssysteem voor chloorethanen. Tussentijdse evaluatie. 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> report 
Country: Netherlands 
Year: 2004 
Availability: report 2004/099 
Author 1/Producer: Hoekstra, N.K. 
Author / Producer Type: University research group / research institute 
Publisher: TNO - The Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research 
Publisher City: Apeldoorn, The Netherlands 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Brownfields
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Soil-->Soil Overview
Submitted By: Sara Picone WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 03/03/2006

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