COBRAMAN Cobraman brownfields project

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration:          Project Type: Demonstration
Contract Number: ERDF
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview
Contaminated land-->Risk management-->Risk management overview
Project objectives:
To elaborate new concepts of brownfield management, activities are divided into the following thematic sections:  
Knowledge base and decision support   
Many EU funded projects, as well as local ones, have already dealt with the problem of sustainable brownfield regeneration. Existing project results in 
the brownfield redevelopment area will be evaluated according to their relevance and practicability. A matrix of tools indicating their practical relevance
and key strengths will be set-up and will be publically accessible on the internet. It will summarise the state-of-the-art in the field of brownfield revitalisation.
The main outcome will be a »Guide to Brownfield Redevelopment Management« which will serve as a support during practical work in processes of brownfield
revitalisation. 'Knowledge base and decision support' is dealt with within Work package 3 and is led by Project partner 3 The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz. The Brownfield Redevelopment Manager The main aim is to create a new job profile – brownfield manager who will facilitate and steer brownfield revitalisation processes. A comprehensive training programme for brownfield managers will be developed. Each partner will appoint representatives from their institutions to participate
in the brownfield management training. Development of key management tools and instruments will form an integral part of the training activities. The activities related to 'The Brownfiled manager' are performed within Work package 4, led by Project partner 2 the City of Stuttgart. Pilot application Revitalisation involves a wide range of technical disciplines to be considered in brownfield redevelopment management. All these aspects form an integral
part of the brownfield SWOT analysis and the management plan which will be established as a pilot case in each city. Partners will choose different key issues/disciplines
on which the local pilot case will be focused, so that all relevant aspects can be tackled and described in the pilot management plans.
Project Summary:
Brownfield land invariably endangers public health and creates environmental risks. Brownfield revitalisation, which can be a long term and complex process 
often requires large investment and involvement of a wide range of professional disciplines, political actors and different stakeholder groups. There is
a need for structured professional process management to steer these revitalisation processes. To date no related professional or education standards currently
exist for this. Methodological tools, training for practitioners and study courses need to be set up to ensure effective management of development outcomes.
COBRAMAN is designed to coach local communities to manage the redevelopment of Brownfield sites and to develop such areas in a more rapid and effective way,
with a subsequent improvement of the environment for the benefit of the wider community.
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:
European School for Brownfield Redevelopment   
Reports link us at: ... 
Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Other programmes
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  24/05/2010 10:54:00