AIRTV AIRTV European Environmental Technology Verification Project

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration:          Project Type: Network
Contract Number: 
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Project objectives:
The strategic objective of AIRTV is to reduce the period of time between the initiation and development of Environmental sound Technologies (EsT) in the field 
of air emissions prevention and reduction technologies in Europe and their introduction in the market.
Project Summary:
A system for their verification will be established whose aim is to accelerate market acceptance of innovative technologies by providing users with proven 
information about performance. The method is to develop commonly recognised and transparent testing protocols, including methodology and operational procedures. These generic testing
protocols will be adapted to specifically test the selected technologies.
Achieved Objectives:
The first proposal of AIRTV for technological areas will cover the verification of the following technologies:    
Low emission gas burning (pollutants involved: CO, NOx, VOC, PAH's, dioxins and other POP's)    
Multi Function Ion (MFI) technology for dust ionisation and filtration (pollutants involved: fine particles)    
Removal of low VOC concentrations - advanced regeneration technique for activated carbon (pollutant involved: VOC)    
Wet scrubber (pollutants involved: emission of particles and metals)    
Bioscrubber for removal of ammonia from stable air at a farm (pollutants involved: NH3, VOC, NOx and SO')    
Particle cleaning (in combination with filter depending on case and pre-requisites)   
TurboSorp® - Process    
Regenerative thermal oxidation (pollutants involved: low concentrations of VOC's)   
New plasma oxidation (odour treatment) 
Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 6
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  16/03/2007 10:15:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  16/03/2007 10:16:00