BUFFER Key Nutrient Transport Mechanisms Important For The Prediction Of Nutrient And Phytoplankton Concentrations In European Standing Waters

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   1/4/2000         Duration: 47 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-1999-00019
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status
Project objectives:
Nutrient enrichment, increasingly from diffuse sources, is the major anthropogenic impact on European freshwaters. Thereforet a detailed analysis of a 
catchment area and its associated lake/lakes with regard to nutrient flux and phytoplankton concentrations was undertaken. Important control mechanisms
for nutrient retention and release within lakes and their catchments were identified. The project assembled nutrient budgets for a large number of lakes across
Europe and intensively study a selection in order to develop nutrient transport models that account for critical physico-chemical and ecological differences
among lakes and their catchments.
Project Summary:
Nutrient enrichment, increasingly from diffuse sources, is the major anthropogenic impact on European freshwaters. The water framework Directive requires 
management at the scale of River Basin District and the adherence to general standards of quality. Transport of nitrogen and phosphorus, and their impact on
lake ecology can, however, vary significantly among lakes owing to different physical, chemical and biotic factors. Qualitative and quantitative differences
in nutrient pathways within lakes and catchments make it difficult to apply both common standards and reliable prediction of the effect of nutrient loads.
This proposal endeavours to identify and quantitify important control mechanisms for nutrient budgets for a large number of lakes across Europe and intensively
study a selection in order to develop nutrient transport model that account for critical physico - chemical and ecological differences among lakes and their
catchments .
Achieved Objectives:
The overall aim of BUFFER-project is to improve our understanding of the relationship between nutrient application in the catchment and nutrient concentration 
and phytoplankton biomass in the lakes. For the study of Nutrient Transport to European standing waters data (e.g. nutrient loading) of the relevant catchments
was collected. The data was stored in a GIS database. Based on this data a preliminary risk assessment on nutrient additions to standing water was performed.
Furthermore an estimation of nutrient retention and transformations in upstream waters was undertaken. Additionally a Preliminary report on the monitoring
of the Carra/Mask Catchment, Counties Mayo & Galway was developed.
Product Descriptions:
The overall aim of BUFFER-project is to improve our understanding of the relationship between nutrient application in the catchment and nutrient concentration 
and phytoplankton biomass in the lakes. The following publications are available - Preliminary report on the monitoring of the Carra/Mask Catchment, Counties Mayo & Galway - Preliminary risk assessment on nutrient additions to standing water (Report) - Estimation of nutrient retention and transformations in upstream waters (Report)
Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Preliminary report on the monitoring of the Carra/Mask Catchment v2

Connecting land-use with water quality: sources, sinks and time-bombs

Nitrogen retention in a river system under consideration of the river morphology and occurrence of lakes.
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Prof Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/07/2003 17:48:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  29/09/2006 15:59:00