WATMOVE Water Movements in Road Pavements and Earthworks

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration: 36 months         Project Type: Concerted Action
Contract Number: COST 351
Organisation Type: 
Diffuse pollution-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Diffuse pollution-->Contaminants-->Persistent Organic Pollutants
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Diffuse pollution-->Monitoring
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Contaminant hydrology
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Groundwater processes overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Hydrogeology
Groundwater protection-->Monitoring-->Monitoring overview
Project objectives:
Main Objective     
The main objective of the Action is to increase the knowledge required for improving the highway performance and minimising the leaching of contaminants 
from roads and traffic. Improvement of pavement performance will lead to less road closures, better use of the road network, longer service life and more effective
transportation of goods and people. Secondary Objectives The aim of the Action can further be divided into the following four secondary objectives: − to identify water movement and moisture conditions in unbound pavement layers and subgrade for different types of road constructions in various
climatic conditions, - to investigate the relationship between the mechanical behaviour of materials/soils and their hydraulic conductivity and moisture condition, − to implement finite element modelling based on laboratory analysis and field studies in order to simulate water movement and moisture conditions
in road construction. - to identify, investigate and control contaminants leaching from soils, natural aggregates and by-products Besides those technical objectives, the Action’s results will contribute also to the environmental and road safety improvement.
Project Summary:
There are 5 Work Packages:     
Work Package 1 will include a State-of-the-art: Literature review with the sub-divisions:      
a) Observations and results obtained in laboratory experiments and field investigations;      
b) Tests and use of models for prediction and design purposes.     
Work Package 2 will consider Modelling and Monitoring of water flow and moisture within pavements and subgrades. A review and survey of existing models will 
be carried out as well as evaluation of models appropriate for hydrogeological considerations related to highway design. Parameters for models are important and need to be investigated. Furthermore there will be an inventory and survey of technologies for measurements of water
movement and moisture content in roads with various materials and pavement structures. Testing and validation of a model or models in full scale, as well as
water movement monitoring could be a part of this WP as field experiments. Work Package 3 will deal with environmental aspects of water in roads. A review and classification of pollutants leaching from road construction materials
will be done. Furthermore mechanisms and factors affecting the leaching and transport of pollutants will be studied and finally a review and evaluation of
remedial measures will be given. This will include an inventory of methods for handling and treatment of highway drainage. A central issue for the leaching process in the road structure is the quantity of water infiltrating through the pavement. Over a period of time, bituminous
pavements undergo cracking, which probably leads to very high infiltration capacity. High salt concentrations in the water infiltrating the road structure
will affect the chemical state and mobility of metals in several ways. Work Package 4 will discuss performance-related properties. This will include an inventory and survey of water related factors relevant for an appropriate
pavement performance. Both bearing capacity and frost actions will be studied and related to the moisture content of the pavement structures. Included in
the investigations will be moisture versus compaction and moisture versus fines (plasticity, type etc.). Finally a review and investigation of relationships
between laboratory and field analysis will be given. Within this WP field experiments could be a part to investigate relevant factors in full scale. Work Package 5 will result in the Final Report that will draw together the essence of the preceding Work Packages. It will summarise, draw conclusions, put
forward recommendations, and set programmes for disseminating the work of the Action. Dissemination is a very important part of this task and a special dissemination
group will be responsible for this starting relatively early in the action. This will also include hosting and participation in workshops, seminars and relevant
international conferences during the second and third years of the Action.
Achieved Objectives:
Non at present (Nov 2004) 
Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Other programmes
Link to Organisations:

Nottingham University
Submitted by: Andrew Dawson  Who does what?  08/11/2004 18:21:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  08/12/2006 11:38:00